- 18 Nov Achieving Type-safe Navigation Results in AndroidX Compose for KMP
- 11 Sep KMP (Kotlin Multiplatform) AndroidX Room setup and more
- 16 May KMP (Kotlin Multiplatform) multi module resources
- 18 Apr KMP (Kotlin Multiplatform) Firebase setup
- 13 Feb SQLDelight in Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP)
- 16 Dec Jetpack Preferences DataStore in Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP)
- 23 Nov Oh no, another type safe Compose Navigation library for Android
- 17 May Abstract your Android Navigation for Compose, part 3
- 17 May Abstract your Android Navigation for Compose, part 2
- 17 May Abstract your Android Navigation for Compose, part 1
- 03 Apr Spotless and Ktlint for your Android app
- 04 Jan onNewIntent in Jetpack Compose
- 24 Nov The famous and unthought MVI misconception in Android, alongside MVVM
- 22 Nov Assisted Inject for AAC ViewModels with vanilla Dagger2
- 19 Oct Assisted Inject for less boilerplate?
- 11 Jul How long will you go to protect your Android app from being tampered?
- 05 Jul Common mistakes when using Architecture Components
- 04 Jul Gradle peace in multi module projects
- 04 Jul Navigation in multi module Android Compose UI project + Hilt
- 06 Jun Hilt to the rescue, part 2
- 17 May Hilt to the rescue, part 1
- 06 Apr Dagger2 is hard, but it can be easy, part 7
- 02 Apr Dagger2 is hard, but it can be easy, part 6
- 29 Mar Dagger2 is hard, but it can be easy, part 5
- 22 Mar Dagger2 is hard, but it can be easy, part 4
- 15 Mar Dagger2 is hard, but it can be easy, part 3
- 08 Mar Dagger2 is hard, but it can be easy, part 2
- 01 Mar Dagger2 is hard, but it can be easy, part 1
- 01 Feb Reified, crossinline, noinline and inline everything?