Package-level declarations


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Add this argument to the list of NavigationDestination.arguments to control the visibility (HIDE) of the bottom nav bar

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If not presented in the NavigationDestination.arguments, default value is true

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Add this argument to the list of NavigationDestination.arguments to control the visibility (SHOW) of the bottom nav bar


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fun <T> NavHostController.getResult(key: String, defaultValue: T): T
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fun <T> NavHostController.getResultAndRemember(key: String, defaultValue: T? = null): T?
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fun <T> NavBackStackEntry.getResultAsFlow(key: String, initialValue: T? = null): Flow<T?>
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fun <T> NavBackStackEntry.getResultAsStateFlow(key: String, initialValue: T? = null): StateFlow<T?>
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fun <T> NavBackStackEntry?.setResult(key: String, value: T): Unit?
fun <T> NavHostController.setResult(key: String, value: T): Unit?