Package-level declarations
Decode the String from binary
Decode String to URL
Encode String to URL
Convenience method to clear all content from a StringBuilder.
Clear all HTML tags from a string.
Returns true if this string contains exactly the provided string. This method uses RegEx to evaluate and its case-sensitive. What makes it different from the classic contains is that it doesn't uses indexOf, hence it's more performant when used on long char sequences and has much higher probabilities of not returning false positives per approximation.
Converts string to camel case. Handles multiple strings and empty strings
Decode String to URL
Decrypt String to AES with the specific Key
encode The String to Binary
Encode String to URL
Encrypt String to AES with the specific Key
get Application Size in Bytes
Take some text, highlight some text with a color and add a click listener to it
Removes decimal number format symbol
Removes decimal number format symbol
Save String to a Given File
Computes the substring starting at start and ending at endInclusive, which is the length of text unless specified otherwise.
Converts string to integer safely otherwise returns zero