Package-level declarations
You can use Context.isAppInstalled() and iterate through the list
Create key using default alias MasterKey.DEFAULT_MASTER_KEY_ALIAS
For documentation refer above, as it works following exactly the same principle.
Atbash cipher is one of the oldest ciphers known. It is a substitution cipher which works by reversing the alphabet. For instance, "AZ" would become "ZA" and so on.
Caesar cipher is a more advanced substitution cipher than Atbash cipher. Caesar cipher shifts all the letters in the alphabet by a certain amount, and then substitutes the letters with the ones on positions i + s, where i is the index of the original letter, and s is the shift number. The shift number is found out by computing shift % alphabet.size, where shift is the desired shift by the user and alphabet.size is the number of letters in the alphabet.
Generates two random keys from prime numbers within the range.
Custom roms have this tag
Encrypt a number. For this to work properly, the modulus has to be bigger than the number. The formula for encryption is c = m^e mod n, where e is the public key exponent and n is the modulus.
If the count is more than 2 then the app is modified