Package-level declarations
Generic version of Cursor.getString, Cursor.getNullableShort, Cursor.getNullableInt, Cursor.getNullableLong, Cursor.getNullableFloat, Cursor.getNullableDouble, and Cursor.getBlob.
Same as Cursor.getDouble, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getFloat, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getInt, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getLong, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getShort, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Slightly more concise version of SQLiteDatabase.query that allows omission of most fields by use of named parameters.
Queries for a single column value in a single row. Automatically sets a LIMIT of 1 for any query submitted