Package-level declarations
Saves all bundle args based on their respective types.
Extract bundle and returs string
Shorthand for Bundle.putBundle.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelable.
Shorthand for Bundle.putSparseParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArrayList.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharSequenceArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putBoolean.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByte.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByteArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putChar.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putDouble.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloat.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloatArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putInt.
Shorthand for Bundle.putIntArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLong.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLongArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShort.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShortArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putString.
Adds transition bundle if context is activity and build is lollipop+