Package-level declarations


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fun areCoprime(first: Long, second: Long): Boolean

Two numbers are co-prime when the GCD of the numbers is 1. This method uses an algorithm called the Euclidean algorithm to compute GCD.

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fun findFibonacciRecursive(n: Int, prev: Long = 1, current: Long = 1): Long
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fun findGreatestCommonDivisor(first: Long, second: Long): Long

The method computes the greatest common divisor of two numbers by recursively applying the Euclidean algorithm: gcd(a, 0) = a gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a mod b)

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The least common multiple is found out by using the principle that lcm(a, b) = (a * b) / gcd(a, b)

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Generates a random prime number within range, using isPrime() function to check for primality.

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Gets all primes until the limit by checking whether every number in the loop is a prime number.

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Uses a method called sieve of Eratosthenes to get all prime numbers until the limit. Works by adding all the numbers in an arraylist first and then removing all the multiples of every single number in that list.

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fun isPrime(num: Long): Boolean

This method returns true if the number is a prime number. Simply, it checks all the numbers up to the numbers square root and returns false if the number is divisible by any, otherwise returns true.

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fun raiseToPower(num: Long, pow: Int): Long

Recursively raises a number to a certain power. This method returns the original number is power is 1, otherwise multiplies the number on the result of calling itself with decremented power. This means that the number will be multiplied on itself (the original) n amount of times, where n is the power.

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Iteratively raises a number to a certain power. For description refer to the method above.

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fun returnAllCoprimes(number: Long, limit: Long = number): List<Long>

Returns all co-primes starting from 1 of a number, where limit is the biggest number to be checked for coprimality.

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fun returnClosestCoprimes(number: Long, amount: Int, increment: Boolean = false): List<Long>

Returns a specified amount of the closest co-primes in either direction from the number.